A Little St. Patrick’s Day Fun!
Happy St Patrick’s Day! Thanks to Girl Scout Troop 2821 for helping make CF clinic day extra fun!
Foundation helps put Thanksgiving dinner on the table!
The Donna Crandall Foundation continues to help put Thanksgiving dinner on the table. This year has included: We sent 24 families a 200.00 gift card to the grocery store of their choice. These are for families that live out side the capital district and can’t enjoy the complimentary Mazzone dinner We will be delivering 10 […]
2021 Lemon Classic Raises over $10K
Another great year for the annual Lemon Classic Golf Tournament! The event featured 90 golfers this year and raised over $10,000! Thanks to everyone who came out and made the event such a success! Click the photo to see our gallery of the day’s events!
2021 Emerald Eve Update
As you know, Emerald Eve is our largest annual fundraising event. We look forward to gathering each year to share our stories and thank our loyal supporters for being part of this journey. After careful consideration, our board of directors has made the difficult decision to postpone Emerald Eve for one more year, exercising an […]
Please join us for the 6th annual Lemon Classic Golf Tournament!
The amazing Lemon Classic Golf Tournament is back! Join us for an day of golfing and fun!
Donna Crandall Foundation 2020 Holiday Programs
Cookie Kits For the past 15+ years, special friends of the foundation, Steve and Joan Hart have generously organized our annual cookie drive. COVID-19 cancelled this holiday tradition this year, but the foundation was able to provide DIY cookie kits to all the pediatric patients who visited the CF clinic this December. Adopt a Family […]
Thanksgiving Meals Delivered for Local CF Families and AMC CF Staff
With the help of our community the foundation ensured 140 local CF families and the AMC CF clinic staff enjoyed a special Thanksgiving meal. The foundation even provide a hot meal to one family who had no access to cooking their dinner. Families and staff were so pleased from comments left on social media: “I […]
Foundation Provides the Little Extras
The Foundation supports the little extra things the CF Care Center needs. The Foundation ordered and delivered 24 pill cups to the Pediatric Clinic. Taking pills can be difficult for many adults and children. With these cups, tablets and capsules are placed on a special pill shelf and go down more easily.
Zoom Family Activities
Foundation provides Funding to support Zoom family activities developed by child life specialist, Maureen Sharkey. With remote learning a common reality this year for CF students and their families, Maureen thought some safe, socially distant activities would be fun for kids via Zoom. The Foundation will fund supplies and necessary mailing costs to make sure […]
Gift Bags Restocked
special thanks to Peggy and Kevin Fritz for shopping and putting together 24 gift bags. These legendary totes will be distributed to CF inpatients in the coming weeks. “The gift bag was so much fun to go through. Thanks so much! It made my stay easier!” said a grateful patient.
Thanksiving Dinner for Patients & CF Staff
With many holiday plans being scaled back this year, we hope you enjoy this Mazzone catered meal to make your Thanksgiving holiday a little easier.
20th Emerald Eve Raises $110,000!
Though we weren't able to have the Emerald Eve this month, thanks to your generosity and hard work, the Donna M. Crandall Foundation has still managed to raise over $110,000 this year to date! We wanted to share our thanks for everything you do to support us in these unusual times. We could not do it without you!